Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Its all about Photoshop...

  Today, November 20,2013, In our subject principles of designs and color theory, Sir Rey Mendoza discussed to us about the basic settings of the photoshop and he also discussed to us about the color settings. He explain how to set the settings in photoshop. He also discussed to us the keyboard shortcuts in the photoshop. Ctrl+K for preferences. In preferences, its includes the general, interface, file handling, performances, cursors, transparency&gamut, units& rulers, guides,grids&slices,plug-ins and types. He explain each of them.  He most explain about the RGB colors. He said it can combine 16.8m colors. In history states the maximum number is 99 so that the photoshop won't lag or hang. Cache is the temporary memory in every computers. History log is also like a undo button. We can undo the things we did by using the history log. Memory usage is about the brightness of the photoshop.

  He explain how to set the colors in color settings. He also taught how to create our own settings in color settings. He explain about the working spaces and color spaces. Dot gain is how a small dot can become bigger dot.He also explain the color management policies. We can save our own color settings in photoshop and we can also load it when the settings is different or they have changes in color settings.

And thats all for today.

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